DIY Dartboard Wall Protector

Don’t Wreck Your Walls: DIY Dartboard Wall Protector

So, you’ve snagged a sweet new dartboard, ready to unleash your inner Robin Hood (or maybe just improve your hand-eye coordination). But hold on there, Robin Hood! Before you start flinging those darts, you need to consider the fate of your wall. Those stray darts can leave some nasty holes, especially with steel-tipped darts.

Fear not, fellow dart enthusiasts! There’s a simple solution: a DIY dartboard wall protector. This bad boy will catch any wayward darts, keeping your walls looking pristine. Plus, it adds a nice finished touch to your darting zone.

There are a couple of ways to tackle this project, depending on your budget and desired look. Here are two popular options:

The Classic Wooden Frame:

This is a sturdy and customizable option. You’ll need some lumber (think 2x4s and 1x6s), wood screws, stain or paint (optional), and some felt or cork for the catching surface.

  • Measure and cut your lumber to create a frame that extends a few inches beyond the dartboard.
  • Assemble the frame using wood screws.
  • (Optional) Stain or paint the frame for a finished look.
  • Cut your felt or cork to size and attach it to the back of the frame using a staple gun or strong adhesive.
  • Hang your dartboard protector on the wall, making sure it’s level, and then mount your dartboard to the center of the protector.

The Easy-Does-It Panel:

For a quicker and simpler option, you can use a pre-made panel. Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Corkboard: A large corkboard makes a great dartboard protector. It’s easy to find at most craft stores and comes in various sizes. Just hang it on the wall and mount your dartboard directly to the cork.
  • Plywood Panel: A square or rectangular piece of plywood can work too. Paint it if you want, and then staple or glue felt or cork to the front for a catching surface. Mount it to the wall and your dartboard to the panel.

Pro Tip: No matter which method you choose, consider adding a bullseye design to the center of your wall protector. This will not only look cool, but it can also help with aiming practice!

So there you have it! With a little DIY magic, you can protect your walls and create the perfect space for your next epic dart battle. Now go forth and hone those skills, Robin Hood!
